Dienstag, 15. März 2011

Chapter 8 Summary

Everyone in the Auditorium is uncomfortable and confused  because there is no assignment given to Jonas right now.Jonas is humiliated and terrified. But after the final elevener who gets his assignment the chief leader speaks again to the community and first apologizing for the "fear" she had been creating in the community.But she tells them that it wasn't a mistake.She calls Jonas up to the stage and and annouced that Jonas will be the next " receiver of the memories". This is a very honourful assignment and it couldn't be correted.She told them that the commitee has done a big mistake years before with the choosing of the receiver of the memories and so they have choosen Jonas for doing this now.Because they watched him all the years and so they come to the conclusion that Jonas has all the qualities to do that : "Intelligence" , "Intergrity" and "Courage".And the fourth essential attribute is wisdom.But the Chief elder said that the acquistion of wisdom will come through his training.
Besides they tell him that he  must have the Capacity to See Beyond.first Jonas has fear but then he regognized that he sometimes has the Capacity to See Beyond.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Katharina,

    thank you for your summary of chapter 8. I think you have named the most important aspects of this central chapter. You need to check for the tenses you use in the summary though. The general tense to use is the simple present, but there are exceptions, e.g. in indirect speech or in case the action that is referred to lays in the past / future.
    After adverbs at the beginning of the sentence, you need to use a comma.

  2. Well done ! :)
    I think you mention the most important points. I like it that you describe the feelings and the atmosphere. Maybe you can still write something about the "pain", the word that the Chief Elders can't explain.
